is encouraged in the art of zen, says wikipedia.
Frankly, I don't know if that's always such a good idea. If I see deeply into the nature of some people I am afraid I will be ill most of the time.
Ok so I am exagerating a little bit, but just a little... The more I dive into people's nature sometimes the more I am sickened with what I see or discover.
I have, for one reason or another, some anger, and I have to keep it under control or channel in in a more constructive beneficial way. Perhaps seeing deeply into my own nature might enabled me to comprehend my state of mind... I suppose I should meditate a little... It can only help.
Essaye de faire un peu de social. Visite un peu les différents endroits "pauvre" de Tunis. Mnihla, Cité Ettadhamen, etc ...
Ca te boostera d'énergie, crois moi.
Tu te livres à ce qu'on appelle, peut-être, l'observation clinique de la nature (la comédie humaine) ? I do the same thing, really !!! At first it's funny and we get pleasure discovering bizarre manners of many of us, tics, hidden intentions...and it is also of benefit for our ego...but it fastly becomes tiring and do not exceed in it ;)
After seeing...what have you found?
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