02 October 2007

Seeing the good in life


I’ve not written in some time, not because I’ve lacked inspiration, or lacked time, and especially not because I’ve not had the need to vent (it is *still* an essential element of my life). I’ve not written because I’ve been giving life, my life, some thought… I’ve always had these mini crises where I question everything all over again. A friend recently said that libras were notorious for being in an unstable balance (un équilibre instable). Perhaps questioning everything on a regular basis reaffirms my belief or believes in my choices in life, or better yet, they might orient me towards a direction that I might not have considered.

In any case… I seem to be rambling without really going forward in my writing. I guess, I just wanted to say, that sometimes, I tended to lose myself and forget the very same principles that I am preaching (to others and myself) : live your life, enjoy what you have, and just be. Somewhere between going to work, getting home, and I guess getting got in the rat race, I’d forgotten these very same principles. I am not sure how or why, but I noticed myself sinking into a melancholy, a sort of blues, beleaguered by an unexplainable dark cloud looming over me.

Frankly, when one stops and thinks over about one’s life, it is in my humble opinion, important to be aware of the little things that make our lives the way it is. The gentle touch of a loved one, the unexpected gift, the warm embrace when one is in need of comfort, remembering how you take your coffee, the squeeze when you expect it the least, the door being opened to you, a quiet afternoon watching a good movie, a great conversation that will lead you strictly nowhere, a book that will freshen up your perspective on life, waking up with the knowledge that the only thing you have to do is go to the beach .

There are really loads and loads of things that make our life good. All I’m saying is that we should not forget about them and learn to enjoy them.


Anonymous said...

cheese, and enjoy life as it is.

Anonymous said...

I have a few questions about your blog. I don't know if you feel comfortable answering them, but I am doing some research on blogging in Tunisia, and yours is very well written and seems fairly popular, so I was hoping that you could provide me with some answers...

1. I have noted that there are quite a few blogs written in English from Tunisia. While some people do speak English here, I would have thought that an English blog would be a rarity in comparison to French and Arabic. Is there a specific reason that you (or others) choose to write in English? Do you worry that this does not make you as accessible to the general Tunisian public?

2. You never touch on political issues. I have noticed that this seems very common amongst Tunisian bloggers as well. Do you think that this comes more from a fear of being censored, or because most bloggers really are nonpolitical?

3. I know that there are meetings where the Tunisian blogging community gets together... Could you give me an idea as to what sort of discussions occur? Do you focus on topics like new technology, or things like subject matter. What connects bloggers in Tunisia? Do you see common themes or processes in your blogging that sets you apart from other bloggers around the world?

4. When did blogging begin to get popular in Tunisia? Compared to other places, would you say that it's still a nascent movement here? What purpose does blogging serve in Tunisia, that more traditional forms of media cannot accomplish?

Thank you so much for your time. I greatly appreciate you helping me to better understand the Tunisian blogging community... If you would prefer to e-mail me my address is sarakliti@yahoo.com

elgreco said...

yes lets learn to enjoy every minut of our life
just : Carpe Diem

Quel bonheur que d'errer sur tes berges conviviales amiga

@++ sur mes rivages


Anonymous said...

Really it's a great jod that you did... i wish that i could write as you did :)//Meream-sms@live.fr .i hope that i get a chance for once to talk to you /good bye