04 May 2007

More on mood...

My writing has been sporadic these past couple of weeks. I’ve been here and there and spending a lot of time in the air… It might seem like I’m bitching about this, but I’m not. I’ve been given a superb and fantastic opportunity, and I’m doing my best to prove that I deserve the chance I’ve been given… But I do have to admit that I am a bit tired. I realized something today about my mood. I actually very much dislike being by myself. I hate it in fact. I hate sleeping alone. I hate eating alone. It’s weird because I seem to get more sentimental, or it’s actually more the fact that some feelings just come out because of the distance. Anyway… I guess I had thought I could be more by myself, but I can’t… at last, not for a long time. Thank God for comedy central…


Anonymous said...

I know exactly how it feels to be alone, and even though I sometimes yearn for times of solitude, it eventually sucks like hell, especially when all these mixed up different thoughts and feelings start flowing out of you.

It didn't seem to matter much back when I was a bachelor, I only felt like shit a couple of times I guess, but now it makes so much of a difference when I find myself alone.

Btw, drop me an email and tell me what it is you're up to, you know how curious I am ;)

Anonymous said...

This remind me a song that says

"I met a girl who tried to walk across the lake,
'course it was winter when all this was ice.
That's a hell of a thing to do, you know.
They say the lake is as big as the ocean.
I wonder if she knew about it?"

Anonymous said...

Baby JoJo, if it was possible and easy to do, I would get into my private jet everyday after work and head to where you are ehehehehehehehe ... anyway, I can't liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive if living is without youououououououo lalalalalalalalala ... twa7aaaashtik kiss kiss