14 April 2006

The art of covering one's ass...

You live you learn... what does not kill you makes you stronger... etc, etc... All the BS that you've heard a million times. Those are some of the clichés I've been telling myself in the past couple of days, because it seems that I need to rationalize and understand the situation.

It seems that good faith will get you no where and at the first chance anyone (pretty much really) gets, they will fuck you over. Why do I say that? Because nobody wants to assume the responsibility of what they are doing or supposed to be doing... because, as I was told yesterday, "après moi le déluge" and "Akhta rassi we adhreb" which means "the floods after me" and "spare my head and hit"... which is really an attitude that I find deplorable and sad and just pitiful.

It got me thiking about all the creatures that do not think and that do the same task over and over again, without question, without worry, without thought, and how they seemingly seemed content with this type of life. If they only knew the possibilities out there... the knowledge to be discovered, the things to see, the foods to eat, the art to be appreciated, etc...

But then again, to each his own... spare my head and dwell in your "world"...


Anonymous said...

Ton Blog est super
J'ai été si heureux de te connaitre!
keep in touch
Keep going

El Greco

Heliodore said...

"Les Temps Modernes" de Charles Chaplin decrit tres bien cette situation dont tu parles.

SNAWSI said...

Jojo, some weak mean people prefer to hide behind others to avoid " the slap on the face ". The brave who got the slap instead must be proud of being so different ;-)

Mathieu said...

Being different in our thoughts is only the beginning.

I sometimes wonder what psys would think about my way of thinking.

Il est fou. Surement ça.

Vive la différence.