10 July 2006

In eleven months...

I moved with my cat from DC to Tunis
I changed my status
I got a job
I learned to drive stick-shift
I bought a car
I scratched my car
I visited 3 countries
I learned to play the guitar
I got sick several times
I thought about moving back to DC several times
I had many fights with many people because they tried to cut me off in lines
I missed my parents a lot (and still do)
I lost and regained my strength many times
I had many migraine headaches
I doubted myself often
I started a real-estate savings account
I enjoyed good food at my grandma's and aunts houses
I decided to be the driver, not the passenger


Adrienne said...

being in the driver's seat is the best way to travel :)

Mathieu said...


Heliodore said...

Should I understand that you are planning to start your own company ?

A. said...

your last line reminded me this song of Depeche Mode, your better half may sing it for you:

My little girl
Drive anywhere
Do what you want
I don't care
I'm in the hands of fate
I hand myself
Over on a plate

Oh little girl
There are times when I feel
I'd rather not be
The one behind the wheel
Pull my strings
Watch me move
I do anything

Sweet little girl
I prefer
You behind the wheel
And me the passenger
I'm yours to keep
Do what you want
I'm going cheap

You're behind the wheel tonight...

à part ça, So no idea about my firefox problem !?

take care

Anonymous said...

Never responded or commented on blogs before! I am going out of my way this time for the only reason that I can relate to some of the things that you have on your blog. First I got to your blog through linking from other blogs. I started the day training to see how Tunisians coped in Lebanon (cause I am tired from watching the news here where the focus has been on getting Americans out of Lebanon vs the more important human tragedy on both ends I might add). Anyhow in the last ten years I spent 35 days only in Tunisia and I dread going home like the kids dread the dentist for several of the reasons that you mentioned. I find your take on women sexuality very intriguing and unorthodox (but clearly influenced by the way people look at sex here). I lived around DC for two years (rather in Baltimore). I hated it with a passion.

Anonymous said...

Well it seams that many things happened to you lately...lots of changes in your life...

Congratulations for your weeding
Sorry for your car
Would you teach me how to play guitar...i love that
About headaches and illnesses...they say that eating an apple day takes the doctor away...well maybe you should try this out...

Thinking about leaving Tunis...i've wanted that many times too...i gues you'll just get used to it...you just have to keep in mind the reasons you chose to come back here...and as long as you still can travel...that's good!

Your parents are far but close at the same time, in your heart and mind and guess you hear them often too...it's just a matter af time before you're all together again...Hang on!

Anonymous said...

Hey JoJo,

It's funny, but I'm also a female, 29, libra ... I'm gonna be 30 on October 12. I also was in the US (for my masters). I've been back home since January 2005. I don't feel good here ... and worse than this is that nobody understands me... If I were you I would go back to DC ... my case is desperate :(


Sleeplessjojo said...

Hi Aimless,
No need to loose hope! I've learned that with some time and patience you can be "rather" happy in Tunisia... It would be good to get a cup of coffee and share our experiences! Write me at sleeplessjojo@gmail.com

Ahmed said...

Oh it's outdated now, but when you say DC; is it Washington or...Dar Chaabane for example ?