Whether we like it or not, we play different roles in life, depending on the person(s) we are talking to, or the situation we are in (one does not behave the same way in an interview as one does chilling with one's buddies). You are either lying to yourself or not realizing it if you disagree.
Sometimes however we forget that we are supposed to play a particular role, and we let ourselves go, and it's just sometimes too bad. It's too bad because we all have some level of expectations of our friends, family, and colleagues, and when they forget or choose not to play their role, someone, at some point will get a bit hurt.
It's not so much that they are "hurt" per se, but more disappointed... Disappointed because of the above mentionned expectations, and it's really a sucky feeling. That is why I am a big proponent of no expectations, but once in a while, that barrier or thought or mental rule is forgotten... It sort of happened in the past couple of days to me, and the entire situation just left me a bit sad....
heu ? coincidence, j'allais poster presque la même chose, mais je l'ai remis a plus tard :-)
Est-ce que c'est toi qui a été déçue par le comportement de quelqu'un de proche?
Je suis désolée...j'espère que ça n'aura pas d'impact sur votre amitié.
Never mind, many things come to an end so that a new begininng shine through the darkness of a bad situation ;)
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