15 February 2007


The definition itself of temptation is (according to Merriam-Webster) something tempting... a cause or occasion of enticement. To entice means to attract artfully or adroitly or by arousing hope or desire... To entice is to tempt. The other aspect of this is of course resisting temptation... Resisting the desire or the hope...

We are tempted every day to do different things:

  • go through the red light at 4 am when there is no one,
  • have dessert every day,
  • eat chocolate every day and in the quantities we want (you know eat so much chocolate that you feel sick? i love that feeling...),
  • to be rude to a friend or a co-worker,
  • to eat or not to eat,
  • to have sex or not,
  • to cheat or not,
  • to be truthful or not,
  • to speed or not,
  • to be charmed by someone that you just met,
  • etc. etc..

Every day we are faced with these decisions... I am a huge believer in cause and consequence. Whatever we do has always an impact, be it on other people or on ourselves. If I were to eat and drink whatever I wanted all the time, I would most definitely gain weight. I need to resist the temptation to eat chocolate every time I see it. The trouble is that sometimes we can succumb to a particular temptation because there would be little consequences for our acti0ns. Or perhaps that is what we tell ourselves to justify what we want to do, what we desire to do... We tell ourselves that we only live once and f*ck it, so what if x or y? So what after all? We could be crushed in a car accident or trapped in a cave or whatever...

Why should we resist temptation? Should we resist temptation? Difficult questions... difficult answers...


Anonymous said...

"To have sex or not" ???
Quoi ? Tu te pose cette question ? Mais la réponse est évidente : c'est ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii toujours !

Nazanin said...

I strongly believe that Adam did not want the apple for the apple's sake; he wanted it because it was forbidden.. And so is the humain being! Temptation is just such a delicious feeling..
I hardly (never) resist any temptation, because I don't think they can be bad for me, I am sure that things that are bad for me do not tempt me..

TuNiSiaNo said...

hesitating between chocolate and light weight...
If I eat a lot of chocolate i'd make sure I do lot of sports right after.
you make nice cakes i'm sure