08 February 2007

Tick tock...

It's the same bloody problem every night... I start looking at the clock, I start stressing about time... It's already 23:00 and I don't feel like sleeping... It's 00:35, and I still can't sleep... Time goes by and I need to fill it... DO something... This sleeplessness is driving me crazy these days... I can't sleep, and I can't wake up in the morning.

The worst thing about this (well, one of the worst at least) is that as time goes by, I start feeling hungry. That's ok you say, grab something to eat, make something to eat... But consider this: the contents of my fridge are : beer, juice, sparkling water, coke, milk, white wine, and oh yeah, eggs, cheese, and whipping cream... Somewhere in the kitchen, there are some potatoes that are suspiciously changing colors...They still have the ... shape...of a potato, but the color, well... Let's say that soon, I can make beer out of the potato.

So imagine the dilemma, and this is the bloody issue every night...stay hungry or make something to eat... The "thing" to eat of course is either something with eggs and the dodgy potatoes, or pasta.... or rice (I think I have some). Often, I choose hunger. Think about it... Hunger is good. Hunger does not make you gain weight. Hunger does not leave dirty dishes. Hunger is therefore your friend... But hunger is really a bitch because it keeps you from sleeping. So I end up making something... It varies (ooh la la, the choices, the choices!!!).

Tonight, I combined potatoes, eggs, cheese, and whipping cream... My thighs hate me right now, but screw them. At least my belly is full... and frankly, I'd rather have it satisfied. As for the dishes... well, there's always tomorrow. It's now 1 am, and I still can't sleep. I've gone through a crazy number of movies in the past couple of days... I read, I try counting sheep... Nothing. I've even started knitting... still not boring enough...

I am neither stressed nor fatigued. I've tried sleeping aids, warm milk, carbohydrates, meditation... I have these bouts of insomnia once in a while, and it's just a pain.

Perhaps I should harass the cat.


Adrienne said...

Definitely harass the cat. I don't know about your cat, but mine often chooses the moment I start to drift off after sleeplessness to decide to complain about something with a loud meow.

CDM said...

ça m'est déjà arrivé pendant un mois.
ça m'a rendue folle !!! mais moi j'étais plus énervée que affamée à cause de mon insomnie.
Un petit conseil: achète toi des trucs à mettre dans le micro-ondes et qui sont prêts en un tour de main. Mieux vaut les avoir à portée de main quand tu commmences à avoir faim et que tu as la flemme de te cuisiner à 2 h du matin !!!
Bon courage

Anonymous said...

I do remember having such insomnia while I was looking for a job.. wasting the entire day in front of a screen (whether a computer or a tv's one)
Very stressful and mostly, makes you put on weight (grrrr..)
Forget about the micro wave stuff, it's all junk food that will make you just unhealthy!
And, aww, plz :-( not that poor cat, it's blameless !!
I'd advice you to go to the gym for a couple of hours. After that hot shower that will make you feel so good and a warm soup, you won't bear it anymore.. the bed appeal is owning you .. good night sleep !

Anonymous said...

What can I do to improve my sleep habits?
Here are some things you can do to help you sleep better:

Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, including weekends, even if you didn't get enough sleep. This will help train your body to sleep at night.

Develop a bedtime routine. Do the same thing every night before going to sleep. For example, take a warm bath and then read for 10 minutes every night before going to bed. Soon you'll connect these activities with sleeping, and doing them will help make you sleepy.

Use the bedroom only for sleeping or having sex. Don't eat, talk on the phone or watch TV while you're in bed.

Make sure your bedroom is quiet and dark. If noise is a problem, use a fan to mask the noise or use ear plugs. If you must sleep during the day, hang dark blinds over the windows or wear an eye mask.

If you're still awake after trying to fall asleep for 30 minutes, get up and go to another room. Sit quietly for about 20 minutes before going back to bed. Do this as many times as you need to until you can fall asleep.

I hope these tips can help you baby JoJo.

Aimless with a sore right arm :):)

TuNiSiaNo said...

When it happens to me I eat corn flakes and watch tv until I fall asleep and then I wake up in the morning with lights and tv on...
take care

Anonymous said...

Prend un livre, c'est efficace !
C'est aussi une nourriture, mais plutôt spirituelle !

Bachbouch said...

All right, I've done a little research about this a while ago since I am having the same problem... It is called permanent jet lagging and it is basically the clock of your brain is not syncked with the real clock. Lately thu, I discovered that having a drink or 2 at night calms the hell out of me, helps me fall asleep pretty early and wake up early enough. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

dormir c cool on di ke l'etr humain pass je ne sai pas combien de temp de sa vie a dormir.... le reste il boss etudie ... etc
pourkoi ne pas exploiter l'autre trache .... en d'autre term inverson le mode de vie.... bein c se ke je fai actuellemen je dor a tou momen et c coooool...