06 March 2007

The rules have changed...

I was watching TV yesterday night when I saw this ad for a meet-up site (or whatever they are called). In it, women are more assertive. They are the ones who actually kiss the guy, or take 5 condoms and give 1 to they guy, or the ones who forget the name of the guy they've just "met". At the end of the ad, the slogan "the rules have changed" appears in red-pink...

I love this ad because it's true that the rules have changed and more and more women are better in charge of their sexuality. I guess women are realizing that if they want something that they need to get it and forget about the so-called rules of "I will call him 3 days after the first date" or "I can only xxx after xxx". Who came up with these stupid rules? Whatever I say. Do as you feel I say. Make your own rules and break them I say.

So women are living it up and doing the first move. So what? Would men feel threatened because the hunted became the hunter? Would men be turned off because women are getting stronger and indeed are changing the rules? So what I say again? If this so-called man is feeling threatened or whatever, then perhaps that is not your kind of man. He is not the type of person that meets your demands as a woman who has decided that the rules have changed.

Some would say that this particular view of things "kills" the romanticism of a relationship, it takes away from the game... All I've got to say is: the game is still on, the rules have changed.

So ladies, live it up... don't let anyone tell you what to do. Do as you feel.


Zizou From Djerba said...

thumb up for the ladies !!
A post per day !!! I like this pace !!

Anonymous said...

Génial !
Vous ne transgressez pas réellement les règles, mais vous êtes en train d'appliquer celles des hommes. Rien d'autres. Il y a plus de liberté et moins de tabous. On aime les femmes qui s'affirment. Que vous geriez votre sexualité avec plus de flexibilités et de liberté, ne fait qu'amplifier notre soif de redécouvrir la femme.
Mais il ne faut pas croire que ce phénomène soit isolé ou propre à certaines femmes. Non , aujourd'hui dans beaucoup de pays la femme s'épanouit un max et ce qui est d'autant plus curieux, c'est que dans certains pays du maghreb ce changement de règles est amplifié.