05 March 2007

In 19 months...

I've realized not long ago that I stopped counting the time I've been in Tunisia. It must have been a couple of months back... But in the past couple of weeks, a wave of nostalgia, has decided to hit me, so I'm thinking about the USA again... And so, to add some items to the list I had previously started, I decided to continue with my 19 months... So on top of that list, here's my update:

I've switched jobs
I got into 2 car accidents
I started taking aikido classes (again)
I have not gotten sick often (I suppose my body is finally accepting Tunisia)
I made friends
I've stopped doubting myself
I've gotten my migraines under control
I've lost weight and gained muscle mass
I've let my hair grow
I've held a baby cat in my hand (3 days-old)
I've not read anything exceptionnal
I've decided to be and I've become the driver
I've learned that words have many meanings depending on who's saying them
I've learned that if you don't stand up for your right, noone will
I stopped playing the guitar
I've become more zen while driving
I still get into fights when someone tries to cut me off in a line
I've made plans and changed them many times
I'm still not ready to have mini-mes
I still cannot grasp all the daily expressions
I still have an accent
I still don't give a damn :)


Anonymous said...

décidément, tu as l'air d'organiser ta vie. Dernièrement lors d'un cours d'anglais, on était sur un sujet " TO DO LIST ". Je crois que ce doit être typique américain de faire ou préparer une liste de ce qu'on doit faire ou ce que l'on a déja fait. Tu es à Tunis , mais tu es encore impreignée de cet état d'esprit, qui de plus te rend nostalgique par moment. Chaque jour qui passe tu n'as pas besoin de faire un résumé de ton retour à Tunis. Et le mot retour je l'ai mal choisi, car si un jour il devait y avoir retour, ce serait vers les Etats Unis. ce n'est pas par ce que tu as un passeport vert, qu'obligatoirement tu appartiens coeurs et âmes à ce pays.
Maintenant il est vrai que tu as fais un choix, mariage, boulot, nouveau mode de vie, qui font que tu tente de t'adapter .
j'attends de voir s'il y aura une nouvelle liste dans un dizaine de mois, et voir alors l'évolution.

Bachbouch said...

Weird that I thought you live in DC... I am not sure why I thought so... ifra7 inaha tounis :)

Zizou From Djerba said...

Im happy to read everyone of your posts. Im enjoying the US a lot and I understand your nostalgia! take care !

Anonymous said...

Funny.. it's been nearly 9 months that I'm back and I still can't do the first task on my list : breath...

Anonymous said...

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhh you go girrrrrrrrlll :):)
I have been back home for 26 months now and still NOT GETTING USED TO IT!!! ehehehehehe