It's been a long while since I last posted something... It's been a combination of being busy at work, traveling for work, and overall not getting too pissed.
So quick update on my situation... Went to Paris twice, and am currently in good ole U.S. of A, in some tiny town in NH... A shout out to Conan and to Zizou who are both in the US. This area however is totally the suburbs with the only distractions being food and shopping. I could not find a dojo to further my aïkido lessons (and by the by... I am now a yellow belt!!!)... I am re-reading Immortalité by Kundera... I am rediscovering all kinds of foods and shops and having fun doing so.
What else what else? I've been having interesting conversations about the choices we make in life and the reason why we do things... Specifically, what would make a person choose individual A over B, or what would make a person stray... Both very interesting conversations and it's not easy to answer.
I suppose we each have our own vision of things. I wrote in an earlier post about temptation. I suppose when you really think about it, it boils down to selfishness. You choose one person over the other because you think about your needs and desires, and you totally forget about the other person... You stray because you were tempted by the flesh of another (that sounds very biblical I know), because you think of your particular craving, you want to rediscover a form of passion, or you would perhaps like to taste a forbidden fruit... Who knows...
That was the thought of the day. I've got to go back to work now... Any topics you guys might have?
Hi, I'm Japanese, from the country of Aikido ;-). My husband is Tunisian. I'd like to travel around the world like you. For the past 3 years I've been stuck in Japan. I also see your view of life interesting. I look forward to read more. Please also visit my weblog
Il faut voir est ce que tu as croqué le fruit parce que tu avais faim, ou tu voulais gouter une nouvelle saveur!
J'espere que ce fruit est assez juteux , mais qu'il ne te donne jamais de regrêts.
Bon boulot, et profite un max des US, c'est ton deuxieme bol d'oxygène.
Ya a9wa JoJo on the DoJo ehehehehehe. Yellow belt, ehehehehehe, you crack me up wallah :):) 7assilou, hayya rawwa7 khater twa7ashtik
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