15 June 2006

Back with a vengeance : Thin rope

I've very much missed writing, so I'm working out a system that should enable me to have a post every day or so... Considering that my insomnia is at an all time high and that my hours of sleep are shrinking, I have more time to think about everything and nothing and wonder about my life... Which is why I shall start by talking about the choices we make in life.

Everyday, we all make and take decisions that can alter our lives... Somewhat like the famous butterfly and the tsunami it created... Sometimes the rope is very tight and it is in fact easy to decide, at other times, it is loose and no matter what you will do, you will fall and hurt yourself.

Growing up, my dad used to tell me that in life, there are no maybes. You can only agree or disagree on something. It's not always very easy growing up, but I find it to be a good thing. It is good because you are forced to have decide. If you are unsure, it means you don't know. That's basically how I think now. Of course, often, talk is cheap, and in practicality, it's not very easy.

There are also those decisions you make that you know you will regret at one point in your life if you don't really think about their consequences. The frequent fight between the rational and the emotional often leads to troubles. Your head tells you not to do X behaviour but your heart is just too hurt and needs to do X. And we end up in situations where you do something that you are unsure of and in situations that are tricky.

It's stupid. It's human nature. It's life. The trick is managing those situations as much as possible and minizing the "hurt" consequences as much as possible.

I'm not quite sure why I am writing about this but I've been thinking about it. Perhaps just thinking about my choices in life -- working very hard, and if so, to what end, my eating habits, my physical activities, etc...- because I'm taking a closer look at where I am heading... Probably 'cause I'm turning 30 in a couple of months :)


running42k said...

Looking forward to reading you on a daily basis. 30 wasn't so bad for me. 40 caused me some thinking.

Heliodore said...

Tu peux prendre les decisions importantes en jouant à pile-ou-face !