09 June 2006

Guitar, migraines, and trust...

It's now or never... This is the only time I will find today to write, as I am taking advantage of "waiting" for the upload to finish...

I LOVE playing the guitar. It's totally cool and it's just superb to start playing and decomposing a song, note by note. My first lesson went well, and I suppose I just have to get used to holding the guitar and positioning my hands. Left is ok, but right is tricky... I've been practicing every day a little bit, and I am totally psyched.

I've been having ups and downs with headaches and migraines. I was hoping that those days were behind me, but I guess I am a little more tired these days and it's starting to affect me. I hope it will pass because I hate taking pills....

I've been thinking these past days about trust, and how much I actually find it hard to open up to someone. I always have this feeling/fear that I will get screwed over, that if I say something or behave in a particular way, it will come back and haunt me.... Anyways, I will have to write more on this because this is a behavior that I've had for quite some time and I wonder in fact about it... So more intropsection sessions are needed to come up with a more suitable answer. But to get back to it (as I just had a thought now), I think I cannot totally confide in one person only. It's more like different aspects of me are shared with different people. So it's like (in a way) not putting all of my eggs in one basket. Perhaps that's what I am doing...

Ok. The upload is over, so back to work!


Mathieu said...

So guitar, you left or right handed?


Anonymous said...

3 notes in one??? :D
For guitar, it make you addicted fastly!!..

attend je vais parler en français.. ça m'evitera de massacrer l'anglais...

On devient rapidement dépendant de la guitare.. Surtout lorsque'on apprend les premières chansons qu'on repète à longueur de journée... Je ne sais pas si tu suis des cours au concervatoire.. Sinon, je te conseille de télécharger guitar pro, et quelques tablatures.. Tu trouveras surement qq1 pour t'expliquer comment les dechiffre, c'est pas compliqué!r..

Pour la migraine.. ASPIRINE .. l'wji3et er'ras wes'sa9ine.. :P


A. said...

Jojo, I am coming home soon... would be nice to hook up... Is there an email I can reach you at !?
