11 May 2006

Immoralité / Immorality

I am reading this interesting book, "La grenouille qui ne savait pas qu'elle était cuite et autres leçons de vie" and here's a quote from it:

L'immoralité d'un jour devient ainsi la morale du lendemain, dans une plongée dantesque vers les limites inférieures de l'humanitude.

Loosely translated:
Today's immorality becomes tomorrow's morality, in a Dante-esque plunge into the inferior limits of humanity.

The book is basically seven allegories regarding life and the choices we make. This particular passage refers to the fact that we are getting used to more and more immorality and that with time, we are loosing our morality thermometer (in a way) because our limits keep on changing... The stuff that was not ok 20 years ago, is today ok... and so on and so forth.

I found the sentense interesting for its literary resonance, but also because I find it to be true. It is important and good for societies to evolve and to be open-minded, but we have to nevertheless keep in mind who we are, what we were, and what we are to become if we continue down a certain path.

1 comment:

Mathieu said...

We're slowly losing them.

About in the same way we lost religion.

Sad, really. Morality must now come from within. It has pros and cons. There were (I believe) too many things based on pure myth in religions. Et leurs origines se perdent dans la nuit des temps.

So... can we trust humanity to go in the right way? Dunno... but I can do my part. :)