13 January 2006

Being sick sucks

What a great way to start the year... After what seemed to be a decent start, I get horrible stomach aches and pains... I get to the ER, and they say that most probably I have problems with my upper stomach... After about 5 injections (I kid you not), the pain subsides. The following day I am pretty much knocked out with all the pain killers, but the pain comes back. So yesterday morning, I call the doc again and he asks me to come and do a "fibroscopie" which leads to a diagnosis of a gastritis. Sucks asss. Why does it suck ass? Because I am forbidden now to eat spicy food (Thank GOD I already went to India and loaded on foods), any fatty foods (which is ok with me except this includes chocolate), and pretty much all things that make life enjoyable, like coffee and alcohol...

I will have to keep this diet going for about 14 days, then I see the doc again, and then we'll see. But what is totally sure is that spicy food is out of the question for me. So that's that for me...

Question of the week: what is insanity? (or how to define it really)?

1 comment:

Emre Saglam said...


2) Get well soon inshallah! :)

3) Insanity _is_ the current state that we call normal in our daily life. So no big deal since insanity is a norm...